Dunlouise Angus

The Original Native Angus

Dunlouise Angus

The Original Native Angus

Dunlouise Angus

The Original Native Angus

Dunlouise Angus

The Original Native Angus

Dunlouise Angus

The Original Native Angus


+44 (0) 1307 462784

+44 (0) 7860825324


+44 (0) 7860825324

Dunlouise Aberdeen Angus
Kingston Farm
Forfar, Angus, DD8 2RU

Rare Breeds Survival Trust

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Welcome to Dunlouise Angus

Our traditional Aberdeen Angus have no imported bloodlines. We are working with original British genetics and are currently using bulls which date back at least 50 years; bringing new life to old bloodlines.

Dunlouise – created from the names of our children, Duncan and Louise

And ‘Native Angus‘?

Well, this is a term that was agreed by the Aberdeen Angus Society and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, with Geordie.

Native Angus are those cattle which can be continuously traced back to the origin of the breed, with no imported bloodlines, and are marked on the pedigree and in the herd book “Native bred”. The blueprint of the breed.

The provenance of these original Angus can be traced back 180 years, producing a high quality carcass on grass alone. These moderate framed cattle created the world renown eating quality; taste from the back fat and a buttery texture from the marbling. All of which results in a melt in the mouth experience!


Dunlouise Native Angus Semen Catalogue!

We have created a catalogue of Dunlouise Native Angus Semen available for the first time!
Click on the links to see what our Native boys can do for you.
Dunlouise Big News

Dunlouise Big News

On Tuesday 12th October 2021 Geordie finally received his medal at an investiture at Windsor Castle! It was presented to him by The Princess Royal, with all the pomp and ceremony that goes with Royal occasions; great fun! His preservation and propagation of the Native...

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Moving from pasture to plate and not via the grain shed

Moving from pasture to plate and not via the grain shed

Afternoon All, my first ever post in this group. This 1 x 100% native Angus body in this week from Geordie Soutar and Julia Soutar of Dunlouise Aberdeen Angus is a 3-4 year journey finally coming to fruition for me. Several years ago the owners of Flat Iron steak...

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We are often asked if we “do numbers”, and we do.

The numbers that matter include a short gestation period and a low birth weight = easy calving.

Aiming for 50% of the mother’s body weight at weaning on milk alone.

Zero days on supplementary feeding.
All adding up to an increased profit margin.

Rediscover the docility and easy fleshing of these original Angus bloodlines. Breed for conformation not feed for conformation, getting back to basics.

Full blood Native Angus may not suit your style of farming, or your customer base at this moment, but using Native Angus semen over your cows to reduce their frame score and add considerable fleshing to your animals, would be an advantage. Who can afford not to rediscover the natural benefits of these bloodlines by using semen on a portion of their herd.

These hardy, grass converters were bred to thrive in a variety of conditions; from the Andes in Colombia to the plains of Montana, and the heat of Australia to the frozen land of Sweden.

We have the ultimate STABILISER with our Native Angus cattle, based on 200 years of breeding.

These line bred cattle fix a type of amazing constitution and maternal ability, which makes them work in a huge diversity of conditions. The all time greats of the Angus breed occur in the pedigrees of most of our cow families, making them time proven and of unrivalled provenance. The Native Angus offer you a 650 kg cow with unparalleled fleshing ability, but crucially with minimal inputs.

Randomly bred cattle will breed randomly, irrespective of any allocated numbers.

Ideal to use Native Angus semen on your dairy herd to flesh the male calves.

“There is no substitute for the original blood. We have been using these genetics for twelve years now. The results are exceptional, producing bulls and females that look the part and thrive in our dry climate with minimal inputs. It’s all about net profit in the end and the Dunlouise genetics pay their way here in west Texas.”
Paul Teegardin – TEXAS USA

“Our experience over 20 years is that Native AA cattle always outperform the modern AA cattle for every aspect of practical stock management.”

“I switched over a few years ago and started before then with Jipsey Earl on my heifers. Best cows I’ve raised!!!!”
Lisa Millikin AMERICA

“It will be a pleasure to welcome you to our farm so that you can check the evolution of your genetics in southern Europe. Almost the entire Iberian Peninsula has ideal environmental conditions for the adaptation of native angus and its efficiency and profitability. Likewise, repeating the visit to Forfar would be a great plan for us. ”
Angus Montegrande Arconada JP SPAIN

“Wouldn’t turn any of them out of my pasture! All beautiful!”

“The best Aberdeen Angus!”
Nei Girardi BRAZIL

Our Sale Catalogue

View our 2017 sale catalogue; a visual
feast of these original bloodlines.

Contact Us

+44 (0) 1307 462784

+44 (0) 7860825324

+44 (0) 7860825324


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Dunlouise Aberdeen Angus
Kingston Farm
Forfar, Angus, DD8 2RU

Visitors Always Welcome

Visitors always welcome.
Pre-book an automatic hire car.
Come prepared for all weathers!
Buy your adaptor from the airport – 3 pin 230 Volts
Fly into Edinburgh (1 1/2 hrs to us), Aberdeen (1 1/4 hrs) or Glasgow (2hrs).  Trains to Dundee.