Kingston Farm
Contact Us
Geordie, Julia, Duncan and Louise Soutar
Delighted to show you our cattle – so contact us!
+44 (0) 1307 462784
+44 (0) 7860825324
+44 (0) 7860825324
Dunlouise Aberdeen Angus
Kingston Farm
Forfar, Angus, DD8 2RU
Email Enquiry
Directions to Kingston Farm
From the South
- M90 and A90 from Edinburgh – over the forth road bridge towards Perth and Dundee
- Then on to Forfar and take the second turning to Forfar, opposite a MacDonalds.
- Travel 1 mile to Forfar, over the traffic lights to the town centre.
- At the 2nd (and last) set of lights in Forfar turn right towards Carnoustie and Letham on the B9128.
- After approx 1 mile you come to the village of Kingsmuir and after the first bungalow turn right along Kingston Road.
50 m turn left to Kingston Farm.
From the North
- Take the A90 from Aberdeen and turn off at the 2nd turning to Forfar by a MacDonalds.
- Then continue to the farm as above.